6小时前,深圳市**投资发展有限公司 总经理 加入企业投资总裁班,6小时前,东莞**科技控股有限公司  执行董事 加入资本运营作总裁班,6小时前,深圳市*科技有限公司 总经理 加入高级工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州***实业有限公司 总经理 加入工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州**科技有限公司 董事长 加入工商管理(MBA)总裁班,1小时前,深圳***金融集团有限公司 董事长 加入PE私募股权投资总裁班
发布时间:2019-02-28 11:57:10

Opening Ceremony of IPAG DBA in collaboration with SCUT in Guangzhou

A new batch of 15 students registered for this year’s IPAG DBA program.
In the afternoon of April 15th, the opening ceremony of Class 2018 was held in Guangzhou Four Seasons Hotel.

法国IPAG高等商学院、国际关系与发展主任Bernard Terrany博士;
法国IPAG高等商学院、DBA工商管理博士项目主任Raphael Lissillour博士;


Numerous important figures participated to this opening ceremony, including

Dr. Bernard Terrany, Director of the International Relations and Development;
Dr. Raphael Lissillour, Director of the DBA Program;
Sha Zhenquan, Professor at South China University of Technology (SCUT),
Professor Duan Chunlin: Director of SCUT Key Laboratory of New Media and Brand Communication in Guangdong Province and Director of SCUT Brand Research Institute;

Professor Su Yu from Shanghai Maritime University;
Mr. Ding Li, Senior Director of CDG (Enterprise Development Group) of Tencent;
Ms. Li Hongyao, Board Member and Vice President of LANDBOND Co. Ltd.;
Mr. Wu Junhua, Deputy General Manager of iFlytek in South China Region;
other key entrepreneurs and executives from Guangdong province; together with current DBA and new students.


The ceremony was co-hosted by Professor Sha Zhenquan and Professor Duan Chunlin.


In his key opening speech, Professor Sha introduced the DBA Program as a part-time doctoral process targeting entrepreneurs and senior executives. This program has no intension of indiscriminately bringing the whole French curriculum to China. Instead, it is well-designed to take into consideration China’s current development status and the actual need of Chinese entrepreneurs. It also integrates management theories and practices to perfect the research-oriented DBA education system. Compared with traditional PhD, the DBA can be better applied to solve the actual difficulties in the development of enterprises and individuals. The program embraces an open-minded international vision, introduces advanced western research methods and combines them with Chinese experiences, thereby laying a more solid research foundation for Chinese entrepreneurs and senior executives to have a higher-level and deeper insight into the growth of their enterprises and industries.

法国IPAG高等商学院Bernard Terrany博士展示了IPAG高商的历史发展及传承。IPAG与法国最负盛名的两所商学院——巴黎高商和欧洲工商管理学院齐名,在2017年“世界大学学术排名”(上海排名)中,全法高等商学院经济学研究排名第三,在所有300多所法国的商学院中排在第3位,仅次于法国巴黎高等商学院(HEC)和欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)这两所世界知名大学,IPAG实训室也被认定为法国、欧洲乃是全世界领先的研究中心。自创办以来,IPAG始终以“培养适应快速变化环境的商界领袖”为使命,为全球商业界培养了许多高层管理人才。
Dr. Bernard Terrany, IPAG’s director of International Relations and Development, presented the historical development and inheritance of IPAG. The Academic Ranking of World Universities(Shanghai Ranking) in 2017 positioned IPAG’s research performances in economics in the third place among all 300 French business school, after two most prestigious French business schools, namely HEC and INSEAD. IPAG Lab is now recognized as a leading research center in France, Europe and even across the globe. Since its inception, IPAG has cherished the mission of “cultivating business leaders who are able to adapt to fast changing environment”, and trained numerous management talents for the international business community.

法国IPAG高等商学院DBA项目主任Raphael Lissillour博士讲述了IPAG在中国的发展历程及DBA项目的培养计划。
Dr. Raphael Lissillour, Director of IPAG DBA Program, touched upon the development process of IPAG in China and the training scheme for this program.

Since the early 1990s, IPAG has established cooperative partnerships with many Chinese prestigious universities, including Zhejiang University, Nankai University, Jilin University, Southwest University of Finance and Economics, Hongkong Lingnan University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, etc., laying a solid foundation for further and deeper cooperation with more Chinese higher institutions. In the 21stcentury, the open education offered by DBA will bring more fresh insights, valuable practices and theoretical researches to DBA students from a brand new perspective.

IPAG Business School has always attached great importance to recruit students of different nationalities. The strategy that centers on international enrollment and cooperation has greatly broadened DBA students’ global horizons, promoted the level of individual research, and d a broader space for individuals and enterprises for future development.

华南理工大学新媒体与品牌传播创新应用重点实验室主任、华南理工大学品牌研究所所长段淳林教授对新生表示祝贺,并表达了自己的期望——希望在今后的学习中,大家充分利用“连接”的机会,结合企业与自身的特点,在东方智慧与西方思想的碰撞中,学会运用全球化的视野思考未来的定位与发展,段教授坚信,IPAG DBA为学员提供了一个良好的平台,有助于为自己的公司打造宽广的国际视野和格局,相信在这样的平台上,大家一定会取得更大的突破和成就。
Professor Duan Chunlin from SCUT extended his cordial welcome to the new DBA students and expressed her expectations for them. He hoped that in the future study, they could make the best use of the DBA “network”, internalize the eastern and western wisdoms learned in class and apply them to their enterprises based on their companies’ own characters. Professor Duan is confident that IPAG DBA is a great platform that allow candidates to design and adopt an international vision for their companies’ future and make even greater achievements and breakthroughs.

Professor Duan enumerated the international universities in partnership with the Key Laboratory, and introduced various kinds of university-industry cooperation in China. The Laboratory focuses on and provides suggestions to the branding strategies and strategic development of domestic large and medium-sized enterprises and listed companies. It serves as a bridge for China-based enterprises to connect the world and be geared to international standards.

开篇四位学者的发言让全场企业家及高管对IPAG DBA项目有了更新的认识。
The opening remarks of the four scholars provided the entrepreneurs and executives present at the meeting with fresh insights about IPAG DBA program.

When the ceremony officially began, everyone stood up, and the Chinese and French national anthem were played.

由法国IPAG 高等商学院副校长、国际关系与发展主任Dr. Bernard Terrany、Raphael Lissillour博士、沙振权教授、段淳林教授为今天能够到场的新学员颁发有条件录取通知书并合影留念。
Dr. Bernard Terrany, Professor Raphael Lissillour, Professor Sha Zhenquan and Professor Duan Chunlin presented their conditional offer letters for the new students who were present at the meeting and took a group photo with them.

新学员相信,IPAG DBA 项目博士阶段的学习,有助于逐步实现终生学习的人生愿望,显示出积极向上的生活态度。
The new students expressed their conviction that the IPAG DBA doctoral degree program would facilitate life-long learning and promote a positive attitude towards their life.

The president of GIEC Inc. in Shenzhen Mr. Huang Rongtian shared his learning experience on behalf of other DBA current students. He said that the DBA curriculum which integrates advanced international management notions and the current status of many domestic enterprises offered him constant inspirations and upgraded his understanding of management. Moreover, through the exchanges with outstanding managers from various industries, he was able to internalize the IPAG DBA body of knowledge, which was beneficial both in the promotion of his management skills and in his of conducting management-related researches.

Mr. Zhong Guocai, Senior Partner of D&S Law Firm, delivered his speech on behalf of Class 2018. Being a Doctor of Laws, Zhong also aspires to extend his limit beyond a law specialist and get another doctoral degree in management to improve his management skills. “I will reach the retirement age after this DBA program,” he said, “I can stay clear-minded through learning, and establish pleasant interpersonal networks in which I could exchange my knowledge and experiences with other schoolmates and friends.” He expressed that he was lucky to join the DBA club for further study to obtain new ideas and make further commitment, and he would make the best use of this opportunity to realize his individual career and life goals.

Another new DBA student – Mr. Yang Jianhua, president of Shenzhen Metro & Vanke Investment and Development Inc. – also expressed his feelings. He thought that learning is a long-life process. At the age of 40, he loved thinking and aspired for further education, the process and result of which would give him pleasure and insight. He also believed the preparation of dissertation would improve his thoughts. As an alumna of SCUT, Mr. Yang expressed his gratitude of the university and IPAG to offer him an opportunity for a doctoral degree.

在本次开学典礼仪式结束后,隆重举行DBA博士交流平台—DBA博士精英圈爱博会成立仪式。由首任执行会长,DBA 在读学员,广东诺言律师事务所主任、广州市十佳律师周兵先生宣读成立宣言,社会的发展日新月异,越来越要求当今的企业家与高管们具备国际化的视野与接纳新事物的能力,当代企业家与高管需要不断学习,整合、归纳提炼碎片化思想为系统化思维;将理论学习、实践价值,提升至对企业管理做研究,对行业思考做研究,开发创造性的管理贡献;为企业、为行业、为管理理论贡献有力量有指导性的实践思维方式。
After the opening ceremony, another event was held to officially launch an exchange platform among DBA doctors – DBA’s Elite Doctors•Aibo Association. Current DBA student Mr. Zhou Bing read out the Declaration of the Establishment of the Association. He is the first Executive President of the Association, Director of Nuoyan Law Firm in Guangdong and also one of the Top Ten Lawyers in Guangzhou. Today’s fast changing society sets higher demands for entrepreneurs and senior managers in terms of an international vision and the ability to accept new things. They are expected to continuously learning new things, systematically integrate and summarize fragmented ideas; extend the value of theory learning and practice to the research on enterprise management and the study of industries; contribute guiding and practical insights for their enterprises, industries and the management theories.

On the basis of DBA education, Aibo Association pulls together outstanding talents, opening up a window for DBA students to be acquainted with each other and become friends and setting up a platform for them to broaden their horizon, obtain knowledge and experiences, enhance personal quality, as well as promote their careers.

The establishment of DBA’s Elite Doctors•Aibo Association means that DBA students will be exposed to a more diverse learning platform at a deeper and broader level, so as to realize the improvement of themselves and the enterprises, and more profound value for the industries, society and management disciplines.


Permanent Honorary President: Professor Sha Zhenquan
Honorary Consultant: Professor Duan Chunlin,
Honorary Consultant: Mr. Fu Hao, Director of the Singapore Liaison Office,
Permanent President: Mr. Li Jundong, Director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office,
President: Mr. Huang Rongtian, Director of the Shenzhen Liaison Office,
Executive President: Mr. Zhou Bing, co-Director of the Guangzhou Liaison Office,
Standing Vice President: Mr. Zheng Xinhai, co-Director of the Guangzhou Liaison Office,
Standing Vice President: Chen Xiaoqun, Director of the Shaoguan Liaison Office,
Secretary General: Luo Wenyan,
Secretary-general: Luo Junzhong.
All members of the previous DBA Class shall assume important positions in the Association, and other key members shall be added after 3 months.
The first members of the Aibo Association shall uphold the mission: “embrace the industry and love the world”

The Speaker Sharing Session was also filled with thought-provoking ideas, during which three guest speakers shared the most d trends and advanced thoughts of their own industries with witty and humorous language, adding more colors to the ceremony.

Mr. Ding Li, Director of Tencent CDG (Corporation Development Group), talked about the industry marketing solutions of social media advertising and tourism. Starting with a video of the digital marketing of TripAdvisor and GAP, Mr. Ding introduced digital marketing solutions on the basis of Big Data Algorithm with vivid and plain words. Then, he made in-depth analysis and interpretation of the user insight system based on the big data collected from location and social interaction, using the example of Tencent’s cooperation programs with Chime-long in Guangzhou, Airbnb and other partners. After this impressive speech, students had a better understanding about data-based business application practices in the Big Data Era.

Mr. Wu Junhua, Deputy General Manager of iFlyteck, expressed his understanding of Artificial Intelligence. He discussed the practical application of speech and image recognition systems, showed the disruptive innovation brought by A.I on people’s lifestyle, education, medical treatment, judicial system, urban construction and other aspects in future. He even dialed the voice service system of Haidilao Inc. on the spot to present the audience the actual improvement of A.I on people’s daily life.

The opening ceremony of IPAG DBA program came to a successful conclusion after all guest speakers shared their insights and experiences.

IPAG DBA项目教职团队衷心祝福所有的DBA学员在IPAG商学院攻读博士期间一切顺利,学业有成!
IPAG DBA team sincerely wish all DBA candidates a smooth doctoral process and a successful study experience at IPAG business school.

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