人工智能时代的管理创新高端论坛 暨法国 IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 博士项目发布及开学典礼隆重举行【深圳|广州DBA博士招生信息网】
6小时前,深圳市**投资发展有限公司 总经理 加入企业投资总裁班,6小时前,东莞**科技控股有限公司  执行董事 加入资本运营作总裁班,6小时前,深圳市*科技有限公司 总经理 加入高级工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州***实业有限公司 总经理 加入工商管理(EMBA)总裁班,3小时前,惠州**科技有限公司 董事长 加入工商管理(MBA)总裁班,1小时前,深圳***金融集团有限公司 董事长 加入PE私募股权投资总裁班
AI时代的管理创新高端论坛 暨法国 IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 博士项目发布...
发布时间:2019-04-19 16:20:05

人工智能时代的管理创新高端论坛 暨法国 IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 博士项目发布及开学典礼隆重举行 Management Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence High-End Forum and Opening Ceremony of IPAG DBA Program Held in GuangZhou

旺狗报喜辞旧岁,金猪纳福迎春来。3 月 2 日下午,在这春光 明媚、万象更新的大好时节,我们在广州四季酒店迎来了由法国 IPAG 高等商学院和华南理工大学广东省新媒体与品牌传播创新应用重点 实验室强强联手共同举办的 “人工智能时代的管理创新高端论坛暨 2019年法国 IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 博士项目发布及开学典礼”

As we bade farewell to the year of the monkey and celebrated the new year, the forum on Management Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and the Opening Ceremony of IPAG DBA Program were held by IPAG Business School and Guangdong Key Laboratory of New Media and Brand Communication of South China University of Technology in Guangzhou Four Seasons Hotel in the afternoon of March 2nd.

嘉宾、学员合影 Photo of guests and students

香港城市大学管理研究中心研究员、华南理工大学沙振权教授、IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 项目主任 Raphel 博士、华南理工大学广东省新 媒体与品牌传播创新应用重点实验室主任、华南理工大学品牌研究所 所长段淳林教授、美国辛辛那提大学特聘讲座教授、美国国家科学基 金会智能维护系统产学合作中心创始主任李杰教授、高端论坛对话嘉 宾因赛品牌营销集团股份有限公司董事长王建朝先生、分众传媒联合 创始人、集团副总裁骆兰女士、尚品宅配总经理李嘉聪先生、广东连 越律师事务所高级合伙人、广州十佳律师周兵博士、广州章光 101 有 限公司总经理、广州温州商会执行会长赵胜慧博士、法国 IPAG DBA广东首席代表罗文艳博士、IPAG DBA深圳负责人、华南理工大学 EMBA、MBA 教学中心主任杨沛安女士、瑞华建设集团董事长、DBA 博 士精英圈广州联络处负责人郑辛亥博士,以及特约优秀企业家、高管 和 DBA 新老同学及家属一同出席了此次活动。

Those who participated in the event were: Sha Zhenquan, Professor at South China University of Technology and Researcher in the Center of Management Research of City University of Hong Kong; Dr. Raphael Lissillour, Director of IPAG DBA Program; Professor Duan Chunlin, Director of Guangdong Key Laboratory of New Media and Brand Communication of SCUT and Director of SCUT Brand Research Institute; Jay Lee, Distinguished Chair Professor at University of Cincinnati and Founding Director of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems; Mr. Wang Jianchao, Chairman of Guangdong Insight Brand Marketing Group; Ms. Luo Lan, Co-founder and Vice President of Focus Media; Mr. Li Jiacong, General Manager of Guangzhou Shangpin Furniture; Dr. Zhou Bing, Guangzhou Top Ten Lawyer and Senior Partner of Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm; Dr. Zhao Shenghui, General Manager of Guangzhou Zhangguang 101 and Executive Director of Guangzhou Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce; Dr. Luo Wenyan, IPAG DBA Chief Representative in Guangdong; Ms. Yang Pei'an, Head of IPAG in Shenzhen and Director of EMBA and MBA Teaching Center of SCUT; Dr. Zheng Xinhai, Chairman of Ruihua Construction Group and Head of Guangzhou Liaison Office of DBA Elite Circle. Other specially invited entrepreneurs and executives, current and new DBA students, as well as their families were also present.
Professor Sha Zhenquan of SCUT, IPAG DBA advisor, addresses the ceremony

IPAG 中方DBA项目顾问,华南理工大学沙振权教授在典礼致辞

活动伊始,由 IPAG DBA中方项目顾问、华南理工大学沙振权教授致 辞。沙教授表示,在中国,DBA 这个词是继 EMBA 之后,最受企业家 群体关注的管理类课程相关名词之一。DBA 是专门为工商界管理人员 设计的全面系统的管理课程,着重理论应用于实践的效果,致力于培 养在激烈的国际竞争中具有卓越能力的商业管理人才。法国 IPAG 高 等商学院 DBA 项目结合中国现实情况,将理论联系实践,从国际化的 视野为中国的商业高级管理人员提供更为开阔的事业发展方向。同 时,沙教授也提到,随着人工智能时代的到来,眼界决定境界,思维洞察现象,高级管理人员更应该顺应时代变革,拥抱变化,让科技引 领未来。

At the beginning, Professor Sha Zhenquan of SCUT, IPAG DBA program advisor, addressed the ceremony. Professor Sha said that in China, apart from EMBA, DBA was one of the most popular programs for local entrepreneurs. DBA is a comprehensive and systematic management program targeted at business and industrial managers. It focuses on the application of theory in practice and is committed to cultivating business management talents with outstanding capabilities to succeed in the fierce international competition. Reflecting the current development of China, the DBA program takes a practical approach towards theory and inspires students to develop an international thinking so as to open up more possibilities for them in their career development. Professor Sha also stressed that with the advent of the AI age, it was important for one to have a broader vision and deeper insights, adjust to the change and embrace the technological and scientific development.
Dr. Raphael Lissillour, Head of IPAG DBA

法国 IPAG 高等商学院IPAG DBA主任 Raphael 博士

法国 IPAG 高等商学院中国负责人、DBA 项目主任 Raphael 副教授 在典礼上为大家详述了 IPAG 商学院的历史传承及在中国的发展历 程。作为经济学研究全法排名第三高等商学院,IPAG 早在 20 世纪 90 年代就与中国的高校建立了合作关系,更在中国昆明设立了分校区。 20 多年来,IPAG 商学院为中国乃至全球培育了各行各业的管理人才。 其中,DBA 项目更是汇集行业精英,实践教学与理论研究结合的产学 研模式深受好评。

Dr. Raphael Lissillour, representative of IPAG in China and Director of the DBA program, outlined IPAG’s tradition and its development in China. As an indication of its strength, its research on Economics ranks the third among all French business schools according to the Shanghai ranking. IPAG established cooperative partnerships with many prestigious Chinese universities as early as in the 1990s, and set up a campus in Kunming, China. For more than 20 years, IPAG has cultivated management talents in various sectors in China and around the world. In particular, the DBA program has attracted many high-caliber talents who respond positively to its teaching method combining practice with theory.


Professor Jay Lee speaks on "China's Smart Manufacturing Strategy in the Age of Industrial Artificial Intelligence"

随着移动互联网、物联网、大数据、区块链、虚拟现实、人工智 能等新技术新平台的层出不穷,一场以大数据和人工智能为代表的智 能革命正在进行时。美国国家科学基金会(NSF)智能维护系统产学 合作中心创始主任、工业人工智能中心创始主任、2016 年被选为美 国 30 位最有远见的智能制造人物李杰教授发表了主题为《工业人工 智能时代的中国智造战略》的演讲。李杰教授立足人工智能带来的工 业革命背景,以传统人工智能为切入点,解析了工业人工智能对中国 制造业未来发展的影响,为中国智造工业领域的战略布局与产业转型 升级提供了有益的指导。

With the emergence of new technologies and platforms such as mobile internet, internet of things, big data, block chain, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc., an intelligent revolution driven by big data and artificial intelligence is underway. Professor Jay Lee is the Founding Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems and Founding Director of the Industrial Artificial Intelligence Center, and was ed into 30 most visionary intelligent manufacturing figures in the United States in 2016. Professor Li delivered a speech on "China's Smart Manufacturing Strategy in the Age of Industrial Artificial Intelligence". He first talked about the general belief that AI was bringing another wave of industrial revolution. Then he focused on the traditional AI and how the industrial AI would impact the future of Chinese manufacturing sector. As a conclusion, Professor Lee provided suggestions on the strategies of smart manufacturing and industrial transformation and upgrading.


Professor Duan Chunlin's delivers a speech on “the Change of Attention – Advertising Insights and Trends in the New Traffic Era”

法国 IPAG 高等商学院与广东省华南理工大学新媒体与品牌传播 创新应用重点实验室搭建研究平台,培养 DBA 博士。重点实验室主任 华南理工大学品牌研究所所长段淳林教授发表了主题为《注意力之变 ——新流量时代的广告洞察与趋势》的演讲。段教授指出,随着互联 网发展的细分化,媒介接触点、用户媒介使用时间都越来越碎片化, 人们的注意力变得愈加分散,获取流量也越来越难,“新时代的营销,

内容的场景化和智能化扮演着越来越重要的作用,广告的洞察与内容离不开感性与理性的融合。” 未来广告的发展趋势,将是科学理性与艺术创意的对抗和对话,是智能技术与人文底蕴的回归和整合。

IPAG Business School collaborates with Guangdong Key Laboratory of New Media and Brand Communication of SCUT to train DBA doctoral students. Professor Duan Chunlin, Director of the Lab and Director of SCUT Brand Research Institute, gave a speech on the topic of “The Change of Attention – Advertising Insights and Trends in the New Traffic Era”. Professor Duan pointed out that with the segmentation of Internet, media contact points and customers’ time spent on media were increasingly fragmented. People's attention becomes more dispersed, making it more difficult to attract traffic. “The smart creation of content based on scenarios will be very important for the marketing in the new era. The insight and content of advertising will feature a combination of sensibility and rationality”, Professor Duan said. In the future, advertising will be more effective if there is a confrontation and dialogue between scientific rationality and artistic creativity, and a fusion of intelligent technology and human care.

高端论坛主持人:广东广播电视台制片人 黄妙杰同学(在读 DBA)

Photo: Ms. Huang Miaojie (current DBA student), Producer of Guangdong Radio and Television Station, hosted the forum

在全球化浪潮冲击和技术变革加快的背景下,商业环境变得更加 不确定,两位主讲嘉宾深入浅出的演讲为我们在复杂的商业环境中拨 开迷雾,指引方向。随着主题演讲的结束,庄严而隆重的 DBA 工商管理博士开学典礼也拉开序幕。 在典礼正式开始前,全场起立并奏响中国、法国国歌。法国 IPAG高等商学院中国负责人 Raphel 博士再次上台为大家详细介绍了 DAB 项目的学制与发展规划。由 Raphael Lissillour博士、沙振权教授和段淳林教授 上台为新学员颁发录取通知书并合影。同时,2018 级的六位在读学 员代表全体 IPAG 商学院在读的 DBA 博士师兄师姐,热情迎接了新一 届学员的到来。

In the context of globalization and accelerated technological change, business environment is becoming more uncertain. The two speakers in this session shared their views on complicated business environment and the direction we should move in the future. The keynote speeches were followed by the solemn and grand opening ceremony of the DBA Doctoral Degree Program.

Before officially starting the ceremony, the participants stood up for the national anthems of China and France. Dr. Raphael, Chinese Head of IPAG Business School, once again took the stage to introduce the academic system and development plan of the DBA Program in detail. Dr. Raphael, Professor Sha Zhenquan and Professor Duan Chunlin presented offer letters to the new students and took a group photo with them. Meanwhile, six current students registered in 2018 extended their cordial welcome to the new DBA students on behalf of all the students at IPAG Business School.

IPAG 广东首席代表罗文艳博士主持 DBA 开学典礼

Dr. Luo Wenyan, IPAG Chief Representative in Guangdong, presided over the DBA Opening Ceremony

颁发录取通知书 Presenting offer letters

在读学员欢迎新学员 Current students welcome new students

深圳海博旺达管理咨询公司董事长刘海波同学代表 DBA 在读学员发表了感言。他细数了将近一年的 DBA 博士课程中与同学老师的点 点滴滴,老师们高度系统的理论知识前沿与视角,同学们务实、创新、 拼搏的实干精神无不对其工作生活等诸多方面带来影响与提升。IPAG 高等商学院为中国的高端管理人才提供了知识理论提升的完备渠道, 经验交流的优质平台,相信新一届的学员将在这一平台上取得更大的 突破与成就。

Mr. Liu Haibo, Chairman of Shenzhen Wondale Management Consultant Company, shared his learning experience in the previous year on behalf of current DBA students. He said that highly systematic and theoretical knowledge and perspectives of the professors, and the practical, innovative and hardworking spirit of the students brought great benefits to his work and life. IPAG Business School provides China's high-end managerial talents an opportunity to expand their theoretical knowledge and a high-quality platform to exchange experience. He believes that the new students will make greater breakthroughs and achievements on this platform.

在读学员代表 刘海波同学致辞

Liu Haibo speaks on behalf of the current students.

2019 级新生,青岛啤酒华南营销有限公司副总经理袁永安先生 代表新生致辞。他表示很庆幸可以加入到这样一个多元、包容的产学 研交流平台,希望在未来的课程学习中,同学之间可以碰撞出更多火 花,创造更大价值,以优秀企业家的精神,担负起家国责任,成为社 会进步的中坚力量!

Mr. Yuan Yong’an, Deputy General Manager of Tsingtao Beer South China Marketing Company, delivered a speech on behalf of 2019 freshmen. He said he was privileged to join such a diverse and inclusive platform for industry-university cooperation. It is his expectation that the DBA students will have more communications and greater value to fulfill their responsibility towards their families, the community and the country.

新生代表 袁永安同学致辞

Yuan Yong'an speaks on behalf of new students.

随后人工智能时代的管理创新高端论坛开场。社会的发展日新 月异,越来越要求当今的企业家与高管们具备国际化的视野与接纳新 事物的能力。人工智能发展迅猛,对企业经营与管理提出了挑战。本 次高端论坛旨在探讨企业家应该如何进行管理创新、借助新时代科技 力量让企业进一步发展。

The opening ceremony was followed by the Management Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence High-End Forum. The rapid social progress requires the entrepreneurs and executives to have international perspective and be open to new things. The booming artificial intelligence poses a challenge to business operation and management. This high-end forum explored how entrepreneurs should innovate management and apply technology to fuel the further growth of the company.

圆桌论坛嘉宾 Round Table Forum and participants 论坛由因赛品牌营销集团股份有限公司董事长王建朝先生主持,邀请了分众传媒联合创始人、集团副总裁骆兰女士、尚品宅配总经理李嘉聪先生、广东连越律师事务所高级合伙人、广州十佳律师周兵博士、广州章光 101 有限公司总经理、广州温州商会执行会长赵胜慧博士为对话嘉宾。骆兰女士从广告分发行业的挑战与机遇出发,复盘分众传媒的发展与规划,表明分众其实在做大数据的整合,中国的媒介市场已经从碎片化到粉尘化了,公众号和小程序已是巨量,每一个都像粉尘一样,每一个数据才是可以抓住变化的东西,它能帮助分众更好地了解受众的喜好变化,做出更加精细的数据分析;李嘉聪先生以定制家居在行业寒冬中的异军突起为出发点,阐述了大数据与人工智能对家居行业由 2B 往 2C、由制造往服务转型的关键作用,“智能数据”让企业比消费者更懂消费者;赵胜慧博士也从自身多年来的经营管理经验角度,结合章光 101 的发展挑战,为传统产业顺应时代背景下的转型升级发表了独到观点;周兵律师则以法律视角,探讨了法人、自然人与机器人的法律边界问题,为我们拓宽了新的认知模式。

The forum was hosted by Mr. Wang Jianchao, Chairman of Guangdong Insight Brand Marketing Group. Guest speakers include Ms. Luo Lan, Co-founder and Vice President of Focus Media; Mr. Li Jiacong, General Manager of Guangzhou Shangpin Furniture; Dr. Zhou Bing, Guangzhou Top Ten Lawyer and Senior Partner of Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm; Dr. Zhao Shenghui, General Manager of Guangzhou Zhangguang 101 and Executive Director of GuangzhouWenzhou Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Luo Lan kicked off by talking about the challenges and opportunities of the advertising distribution industry. She reviewed the development and planning of Focus Media, noting that the company was integrating big data because China's media market was as fragmented as small powders with the creation of vast number of WeChat official accounts and mini programs. By gathering data, Focus Media is able to conduct in-depth analysis to understand more about the users’ preferences. Mr. Li Jiacong pointed out that the tailor-made furniture did very well in spite of the stagnant growth of the industry. The key reason was that this sector was shifting from 2B to 2C and from manufacturing to service driven by big data and AI. Equipped with the “smart data”, the enterprises were able to understand consumers better than they themselves. Dr. Zhao Shenghui shared with the audience her management experience over the years. After analyzing the challenge faced by Zhangguang 101, she offered her ideas on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industry. Dr. Zhou Bing explored the legal boundaries of legal persons, natural persons and robots from a legal perspective, which expanded the scope of knowledge of the audience.

DBA 学员风采 DBA students 随着高端论坛的结束,人工智能时代的管理创新高端论坛暨法国 IPAG 高等商学院 DBA 博士项目发布及开学典礼也画上了圆满的句号!祝每一位学员与嘉宾在新的一年里欣欣向荣,大展宏图,前程似锦!

With the end of this forum, the Management Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence High-End Forum and Opening Ceremony of IPAG DBA program came to a successful conclusion. The school sincerely wishes all DBA candidates and guests a prosperous and promising future in the new year.



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